Law Enforcement Analysis of Recruitment Crimes with the Aim of Sexual Exploitation Based on Law Number 21 of 2007 (Study Of Verdict Number: 567/Pid.Sus/2020/Pn.Mgl)


  • Andre Arif Septiawan Universitas Bandar Lampung


Law Enforcement, Crime Perecrucian, Exploitation Sexual


Based on research  and   discussion  then   can  be concluded  asfollows:Factors  cause   perpetrator  committed   crime  recruitment   with   purpose   exploitation  sexual  in  Verdict  Number:     567/Pid. Sus/2020/PN.Mgl  sesuai  with   theory  factor    cause  occurrence   criminal act   ie   factor   internal  and     external.   Internal factor i.e.   presence  impulse   of  in   self-perpetrator   for  gain   gain   material  in     form  money.   While is  factor    external  i.e.   presence request   from   parties   who  needs   service  sexual  to  owner  leased  and  lack of     supervision  in S  related  to   existence  contract  that   provides  sexual   service to   guest   or  customer     who   comes  or   stay  in  rental. Enforcement  law  against   offender  offence   criminal  recruitment   with   purpose     exploitation  sexual   based on    Judgment  Number:  567/Pid.Sus/2020/PN.Mgl  implemented  by   apparatus  enforcer   law  in   framework  system   justice  criminal,  which  includes       investigation  of which   was conducted  Police  after  received   report  from   victim  and   action  investigation   compiled  in  News   Event  (BAP),  indictment  and  charge  against   perpetrator  offense   criminal  recruitment   with   purpose   exploitation     sexual,   carried out  Prosecutor's Office  and  set forth   in  letter  indictment  with  claim   law  in accordance with  with    Article  Porigin  2   Paragraph    ( )  and  (2)   Law  No.   2   Year   2007 concerning Eradication Crime Trafficking Person.  Enforcement law further is  conviction  of   crime  by  assembly  judge.  offender   criminal offense   recruitment   with   purpose   sexual exploitation, i.e.   with criminal   imprisonment  during  7  (seven)  year  and       fine   a total of    Rp   20,000,000.00   (one hundred  two  twenty   million  rupiah)    with  provision   if  fine  is not    paid  then  replaced   with  criminal       confinement  during     (one )  month


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How to Cite

Arif Septiawan, A. (2023). Law Enforcement Analysis of Recruitment Crimes with the Aim of Sexual Exploitation Based on Law Number 21 of 2007 (Study Of Verdict Number: 567/Pid.Sus/2020/Pn.Mgl). Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia, 1(2), 191–200. Retrieved from