
  • Zona Education Indonesia

    Zona Education Indonesia (ZEI) | ISSN (e): 3025-7778 is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Yayasan Mentari Madani. ZEI is an integrated media for ongoing communication related to significant new research findings related to education, Islamic education: the fields of educational research in teaching, Education Management, learning and teaching, curriculum development, learning environment, teacher education, educational technology, and education development. open access scientific journal dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the fields of Education and Islamic education, this journal publishes articles six times a year in August, October, December, February, April and June.

    Zona Education Indonesia (ZEI) indexing in: Google Scholar, Garuda, ICI Copernicus

  • Zona Economics and Islamic Economics

    Zona Economics and Islamic Economics (ZEIE) is an academic journal published six times (March, Mei, July, September, November, January) by Yayasan Mentari Madani. This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies on economics and syariah economic studies. The scope of Zona Economics And Islamic Economics are (but not limited to): (1) Islamic banking; (2) Syariah Financial; (3) Mu'amalah; (4) Economic Islam ;(5) Economic ;(6) Accounting; (7) Finance.

    Publication Frequency: Three times a year (March, Mei, July, September, November, January)

    Manuscripts will be considered for publication in the form of original articles, case reports, short communications, letters to editor and review articles.

  • Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia

    Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia (ZLPAI) | ISSN (e): 2988-5345 Zone of Law and Public Administration (ZLPAI) is a scientific journal containing ideas and knowledge of law and public administration originating from academics, researchers and practitioners in the field of law, regarding legal phenomena that are common in society and the development of Paradigm and State Administration System Innovation ZLPAI is also a scientific journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results in the field of public or state administration, innovation and development of issues in the field of public administration. this journal publishes articles six times a year in  July, September, November, January, March and May.

    Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia focus is to publish manuscripts of study results, and specific conceptual ideas in the field of Law and Public Administration. Submitted articles may cover topical issues in Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Islamic Economic Law, Agrarian Law, State Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure Law, Customary Law, and Environmental Law, Public Policy, Public Management, Public Sector Innovation, Decentralization, Regional Autonomy and Governance, Local Politics and Democracy, politics, human rights and autonomy and rural/village government.

    Zona Education Indonesia (ZEI) indexing in: Google Scholar, Garuda, ICI Copernicus